Wednesday 18 November 2015

The Most Mysterious Places on Earth

The world never stops to surprise us. Although science can explain almost everything but that doesn't mean there is no room for mystery. These places keep many scientists searching for answers and the rest of us flabbergasted by the mysteries the world continues to reveal.

Keep reading to know more about the 7 places we found extremely intriguing. 

Superstition Mountain

This mountain range is located in the East of Phoenix, Arizona. Along with a name that attracts a lot of eyeballs, there are two stories that have been on for ages. According to the legends, a German immigrant Jacob Walts discovered gold mines in the mountains but he never revealed it to anyone until his deathbed upon which he may or may not have shared with one person. Also called the Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine, it has not been found till date in spite many expeditions and people say the spirit of those people still haunt the mountain.
It is also believed that the mine is protected by creatures called Tuar-Tums (“Little people”) that live below the mountain in caves and tunnels. Some also believe that the entrance to hell is located in the mountain.

Image Source: Wikipedia

 Blood Falls

The falls are to be found in the breathtakingly beautiful mountains of Antarctica. The sight of the falls is arresting – blood red waterfall staining the snow white face of Glacier Taylor. Glaciologist and Microbiologists concluded that source is a subterranean lake that is rich in Iron and hence the red colour. What is stranger is, as per recent search there are microorganisms living 1300ft beneath the ice and are surviving because of Iron and Sulphur in the water.

Image Source: Wikipedia by Peter Rejeck

Area 51

The secret military base in the Southern Nevada, USA is known as Area 51. It is believed that the fleet of alien’s flying saucers and alien bodies are kept here which was captured during the infamous Roswell UFO Crash in 1947. Although nothing has been proved but is it said that scientists have examined and researched the aliens and have also succeeded in setting meetings with other alien life forms. People also speculate that weather control, secret weapons, time travel, teleportation has also been being developed in this area.

Image Source: Wikipedia

South Atlantic Anomaly

 The Bermuda Triangle in Space situated in the Atlantic Ocean, around 300kms off Brazilian coast, is one of the most dangerous areas of radiations. The SAA is the area where the band of radiation known as Earth’s Inner Van Allen Belt comes closest to Earth’s surface but the scientists aren’t sure how or why this occurs. The place creates havoc with satellites and spacecrafts. The Hubble Telescope is actually turned off from taking observation while passing through this area as Astronauts complains of computer crash. NASA satellites are shut down in this region, i.e while passing over Atlantic between Africa and Brazil. Not just technical problems, some Astronauts have reported seeing “shooting stars” in their visual field as they pass through.

Image Source: Youtube

The Bermuda Triangle

The list of most mysterious places is complete without the mention of this place. For those who are unaware, The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular area in Atlantic Ocean between Miami, Bermuda and San Juan. Over the years, it has left us perplexed with disappearance of ships, planes and people. No one can say what happens here but theories of sea monsters to alien abduction to weather conditions have been doing rounds with no conclusion.

Image Source: oceanservice

Lake Anjikuni

Not just few people or things, Lake Anjikuni in Nunavut, Canada took disappearance to next level when the entire village vanished. In 1930, a trapper named Joe Labelle was searching for shelter and was shocked to find not even a single living creature. Though food riffles and everything was intact. Few graves were found open with missing bodies and 6-7 dogs were found starved even when there was no dearth of food. Some versions of the story claimed to have seen strange lights above the sea at the time of disappearance while others include aliens, ghosts and vampires. It is hard to certain what the actual reason was.

Image Source: martinjclemens


Moguicheng is a desert in Xinjiang, China. The literal translation of the name is City of Satan or Devil’s City. While walking through the city people have heard exceptionally strange noises and occurrences. Visitors are adamant on their claims that they have heard sound of floating on the breeze, guitar being plucked, crying of baby or tiger roars. These sounds are apparently mystifying with no one being able to find the source.

Image Source: Panoramio

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